day 28: between Atlas, Sisyphus, and nothing at all

Nuno Sancha
2 min readJul 4, 2021

it doesn’t matter which day of the week it is, we will always feel that we have more burden than we bargained for. the to-do list is never shorter — au contraire, it seems like we should be on Guinness book for the longer list ever.

most of the time we only can blame ourselves for being in this predicament. pure laziness, poor time management, lack of knowledge to complete the task at hand. like our to-do list, our motives are vast as well.

but that is not always the case, sometimes we are in the zone. doesn’t matter what challenges cross our path, we do not back down, we see it through like a worker on the production line.

i always avoided the part of the internet where productivity is everything. infinite hacks, apps, routines, and so on. all to accomplish tasks that sometimes are not even necessary.

i make my list the night before. i tackle the most boring task first and keep doing it until i finish all my tasks.

no special science here. i use my physical notebook or the Atom text editor. i don’t need anything fancy.

a lot of days i battle my brain to stick with the program, and that’s okay.

some days you will have tasks that give you sense of purpose. like you are carrying the world on your shoulders.

other days, you will feel like you are doing unnecessary work.

and there are days that you will just want to go outside, let the wind blow on your face, drink something fresh, and enjoy your life.

nothing wrong with any of these days.



Nuno Sancha

I drink coffee all day long hoping to be awake when the hard work pays off.