day 16: phases without phrases

Nuno Sancha
2 min readJun 22, 2021
credits: Suzy Hazelwood

a human won’t freeze in front of its own death as the way it freezes in front of a blank paper.

it is as if writing induces our brain to some state of amnesia. for some people, the panic is so intense that you can see the desperation in their faces.

whilst i can understand the behavior, to me, it has never been that intense. i never get writers' block per se.

i understand writing as the act of thinking. so when i am having trouble putting 5 words in a row to form one sentence, something is wrong with my thinking.

maybe i am stressed or something is bothering me, thus i am processing thoughts in a confusing manner.

or i am trying to do a lot of things at once, and my focus goes out of the window.

or the most common of all, i don’t think that people want to read about what i have to say. and this is a dangerous feeling. if you don’t believe that you have interesting things to say you won’t be able to write.

lucky me i am a narcissist in this aspect. i am always amused with what i have to say, even when i know for sure that what i am saying is pure garbage.

you don’t have to publish everything you write, this atomic essay is a good example of it — i didn’t need to publish it.

but the more you put yourself out there, the better you will become.

so, if one day you freeze and start panicking because you need to write something remember to:

  • calm yourself;
  • do things one at a time;
  • if people don’t like what you have to say. you like it. so write anyway.



Nuno Sancha

I drink coffee all day long hoping to be awake when the hard work pays off.